Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ten on Ten

I did my very first Ten on Ten Photo Challenge today! Inspired by A Bit of Sunshine. Basically you take a photo an hour for ten hours on the tenth of the month to capture what an ordinary day is like in your life.

My day began...

And I had my favorite breakfast - Fage Greek yogurt with blueberries and honey

This is how the babe starts his day. I sit him by the backdoor with his toys and he enjoys watching the backyard (sometimes a neighborhood cat even stops by and stares at him).

After church and lunch (during which I forgot my camera), we came home and sat outside to read for awhile and enjoy the gorgeous, albeit humid, day.

Until recently, our orange tree was blooming, but it still provides great shade and the knowledge that some juicy fruit will be coming our way again soon.

Now, time for some chores. Line drying the babe's laundry in the garage...

Going on our daily (well, almost daily) walk with Sassy, our neighbor's dog. She loves us almost as much as we love her!

Cleaning the babe's room and reminiscing over how small he was just a few months ago- I can't believe his first birthday is so quickly approaching.

I love bags! This is my new purse/diaper bag that my mom bought me a few months ago. I feel happy just looking at it!

Ending our day with more blueberries...

ten on ten button small

1 comment:

  1. Cute cute cute! I love that you jumped in! Also, I'm a big fan of greek yogurt too!


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